Byers Young Group specializes in strategy building for higher education, startups, nonprofits, and associations. We believe that great choices make for great strategy. In doing so, we develop exciting, accessible, and actionable plans with focused value propositions designed to build healthy organizations positioned for growth and possibility.
Our differentiators
Integrative choices - Great strategy drives successful execution
Authentic growth - New revenue + enhanced reach drives re-energized culture
Learning communities - Inclusive problem-solving drives deep commitment
Usable outcomes - Tailored approach drives action + momentum
Storytelling - Co-developed design process drives longitudinal connection
Integrative Choices
Gain and maintain
strategic momentum
We utilize a human-centered approach to strategy that requires making explicit choices – to do some things and not others – and to evolve your organization around these choices. This integrated set of choices uniquely positions you to create sustainable advantage and superior value relative to your competition.
Gain and maintain
strategic momentum
All organizations desire growth: in revenue, reach, or impact. It is a natural way to stay relevant, but also to help deepen commitment to a shared cause. We focus on growth through focused strategy development to create a vibrant, highly-engaged community. This way, new value serves growth in multiple ways: in diversifying and growing revenue, but also in embedding a growth mindset that re-energizes community.
Learning communities
Gain and maintain
strategic momentum
Soundly designed strategy is executable to align with organizational capacities and capabilities. This sometimes takes new capabilities (existing, acquired, or via partnership) that require learning. Changes happens in community and takes buy-in, investment, ongoing commitment, and a shared belief in the future. The organization of the future is a participatory enterprise.
Usable outcomes
Gain and maintain
strategic momentum
Properly implemented, good strategy can serve as a vehicle for partnerships, a venue for driving innovation, and a currency for community engagement. Our most positive results will be richly integrative and robustly aligned throughout the organization. Ultimately, integrative outcomes are platforms for action, connection, and culture-building.
Gain and maintain
strategic momentum
Good story drives strategy and organizational priorities. Developing and sustaining a narrative throughout the process is vital. It serves as ballast for organizational buy-in and helps to anchor strategy execution. Narrative supplies momentum and supplies authentic voice to sustain the organization through periods of unpredictable change.
©2023 Byers Young Group LLC.